Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Humble Thanksgiving 2014

So esta semana marks the start of the world wide iniciative "He is the Gift" If you haven't heard or seen the video, look it up. On the 7th it will be the only advertisment on Youtube. Or you could look it up at Its a great video and I highly encourage you all to watch it and to share it! The best gift anyone can give this year is the gift of Christ!!!
This week we are planning of baptising Alexis's brother. We are going to baptise him saturday so that sunday he can be confirmed and then on the 13th they both can go to the Temple and do baptisms for the dead. Actually we are having all our converts go to the temple on the 13th so I'm excied!!
I'm glad to hear everyone had a great Thanksgiving. My Thanksgiving was very different but one that I wont forget. Instead of Mashed potatoes, turkey, and stuffing, I ate a humble meal of chicken with rice. It was a very humbling experience for me. I had the opportunity to reflect on why we celebrate Thanksgiving and to be truely thankful for all the Many blessings we have in the USA. 
Theres a bunch of uproars here in Mexico to get rid of their President, Peña Nieto. I'm sure you all have heared that the government sent people to kidnap and kill 43 students and there have been a bunch of protests and crazy stuff going on!! 
I hope everyone has a great Christmas. I Love you all and may we all share the true gift, which is Christ. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. That whosoever should believe on him shall not perish but have eternal life"

Elder Dial

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