Monday, May 12, 2014

Ward Changes at Home

WHAT THE HECK!!!!! New ward?!?!  Don't know how I feel about the Ward change but I guess I don't have a say in it. None the less I will support the new bishopric.
 We had our stake conference Saturday and Sunday and Elder Allen R Walker presided. He was born in Argentina but served his mission in Nashville Tennessee. It was a pretty cool experience.
But before that, yes we did have a baptism. We baptized two siblings and their parents will follow here in two weeks. But it was a struggle for V. The night before the baptism we went to visit them to make sure everything was in check. Well we get there and her mom says "V has something to tell you." My red flag flung into the air! She then told us she didn't want to get baptized because she felt pressured and didn't feel ready. Well after a long discussion I asked her if she would like a priesthood blessing. She accepted and then I proceeded to give the blessing. We told her we would return tomorrow to check if anything had changed and then we left. The next morning, after much prayer, we visited Vanessa. To our shock, she still declined to be baptized. A little discouraged we left. When we went to go eat with our District Leader, he asked us about her and then told us that he was going to talk with her. Well, from the account of my district leader he told us that when he walked in she told him that she was going to be baptized. The power of the Priesthood is real. God does answer prayers. I am a witness of it. Her younger brother, A, was baptized also. He is 8 and is very small. Small enough that I baptized him kneeling down. He's a great kid though. Full of energy!!!

Here are some pictures. the one thing I noticed, besides the lack of muscle is my amazing farmers tan!!!

Also, one week without a bathroom. We came so close to having to break a few walls to figure out what was clogging it. It's still not 100% unclogged but the code red has reduced to code yellow. 

The trees in Orizaba. A City about 1 hour away from Cordoba by bus. That is where our stake conference was held.
So I apologize but I also forgot another cool experience, well, a little more on the frustrating side but still good. So we went tracting yesterday and we stumbled across this guy who has a lot of doubts of what we believe. Well, really just one because all his other doubts can be referenced back to one, The Book of Mormon. He began explaining that we don't need the book of Mormon because we have the bible and then started quoting all these verses from the bible that say to not add to the bible and that if an angle appears from heaven, referring to the Angle Moroni who appeared to Joseph Smith, teaching a different doctrine then its false and how we don't know if Joseph Smith was a prophet or not and a bunch of stuff like that. I then proceeded to explain why we have the Book of Mormon. I told him it was another Testament of Jesus Christ and that we have Joseph Smith's testimony about the Book of Mormon along with 11 others who saw the plates. He then started to explain why we couldn't trust those testimonies. So that's when I asked him of he had ever been to the US. He said no and then I asked him how he knew it was really there. I then explained that we know the US exists because of the numerous testimonies we have of it. I then bore my testimony of the Book of Mormon and how by reading the Book of Mormon we can know the truthfulness of it and by that means we also know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. You cannot have a testimony of The Book of Mormon and not have a testimony of Joseph Smith and visa-verse. I hope you all take the chance to read the Book of Mormon. I know it is true! I would not be here in Mexico right now if I even doubted. Love you all and may the Lord continue to bless you. 

Elder Dial

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