Sunday, June 30, 2013

Thank you Mr. Postman

At the end of the first day in the MTC, Parker's "mind was blown" by his Spanish class. He said it was o.k. because every other Elder's mind was blown as well. His companion is Elder S and is from Wyoming. He says he seems like a nice guy but it is only the first day and he already loves him and his district.
"So today at our first meeting with all the new missionaries, they were announcing where everyone was from and they wanted you to stand and be recognized. When they said Idaho a bunch of us stood up and somebody started the Boise State chant. It was awesome!"
   His P-day is Tuesday but they have so many missionaries, his computer time will be very limited. He asks as many people to send snail mail or dear letters. That way he can already have read the letters and can spend his time writing instead of reading. Letters are an Elders best friend in the MTC.
   He has no AC in his room and with this heat wave I am sure he is preparing for Mexico in more ways than just learning the language!

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