Saturday, August 16, 2014

Cordoba Zoo 7/28/2014

So today we went to the Zoo here in Cordoba. It was pretty lame. They say they have more than 100 animals but about 65-70 of the animals are the ducks and chickens they have roaming around the place. They did some how manage to get a couple mountain lions, a black bear, a female lion, and some jaguars and tigers. That was about it. Oh and some snakes that were kept in what looked like a hoarders house and at any moment those glass cages could fall and break. Anyways, that's the fun thing we did today.
This past week was a lot better. A couple of cool experiences happened on Saturday and the other Sunday. On Saturday, we went tracting and we were talking to this lady and she told us she was a Jehovah Witness. It was a nice conversation until she became hostile and jumped on the attack. She asked us who Joseph Smith was. I answered her and told her that he was a prophet of God. She then tried to tell us that Christ was the last prophet and all the miracles stopped after he died. I shared Amos 3:7 "Surely the Lord God will do nothing but he revealeth his secrets unto his servants the prophets." She said that God is going to reveal more things unto us. I then told her that He will reveal his secrets unto us by his Prophets. After that we left. She wouldn't accept a pass along card and she got mad at us saying that we were causing her to sin. I then said, let the sin fall on my head.
The other experience that I had was when a young teacher told me about an experience he had. EFY Cordoba just finished and we went to his house because his cousin was going to go visit people with us. While we were waiting he told me that he got up to bear his testimony the last day of EFY. When he finished he sat down and didn't remember what he had said. It reminded me of the scripture in D&C that said that the "Lord will fill our mouths and we shall not be confounded before men." There are actually a lot of scriptures that say the Lord will give us utterance. I know that is what happened to that young teacher. Whenever we share the Gospel with others, the Lord will tell us what we need to say. It's a wonderful experience. It has happened many times while serving here in Mexico.
Hope you all have a great week and i pray that we all may be filled with the spirit as to share the Gospel with all the world.

Elder Dial

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